PVP Ventures Limited announced that Mr. Sohrab Chinoy Kersasp has tendered his resignation as a Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company due to age related reasons. There are no other material reasons for resignation other than the one mentioned in the resignation letter. Resigned with effect from the close of business hours of August 08, 2023.

Names of the listed entities in which Mr. Sohrab Chinoy Kersasp holds Directorships, indicating the category of Directorship and Membership of Board Committees before the resignation becoming effective: PVP Ventures Limited: Non-Executive, Independent Director, Audit Committee(Member), Stakeholder Relationship Committee(Chairman), Nomination Remuneration Committee(Member), CSR Committee(Member). Picturehouse Media Limited: Non-Executive, Independent Director, Audit Committee(Member), Stakeholder Relationship Committee(Chairman), Nomination Remuneration Committee(Member), CSR Committee(Member).