Rohas Tecnic Berhad appointed ENCIK AMIRUL AZHAR BIN BAHAROM as Group Chief Executive Officer. Age is 50. Date of change is 01 March 2024.

Encik Amirul Azhar Bin Baharom (En. Amirul) began his career with Cazenove & Co and has been in the financial services industry for a number of years where he was amongst others, with the Securities Commission, BDO Capital Consultants Sdn. Bhd.

and KAF Fund Management Sdn. Bhd. He has also previously served as the Group Managing Director and CEO of Vastalux Energy Berhad and as the Acting Group Chief Executive Officer of Avillion Berhad.

He was the CEO of Scomi Energy Services Bhd. He has also previously been a member of the Board of Directors of Rohas Tecnic Berhad, Vastalux Energy Berhad, Reliance Pacific Berhad, Admiral Marina Berhad, Spring Gallery Berhad and Scomi Group Berhad. Directorships in public companies and listed issuers UMS-NEIKEN GROUP BERHAD and SCOMI ENERGY SERVICES BHD.