The board of directors of Hailiang International Holdings Limited announced that, pursuant to the resignation letter recently received from Mr. Tsui Kun Lam Ivan ("Mr. Tsui"), an independent non-executive director of the Company, Mr. Tsui will resign as an independent non-executive director of the Company with effect from 12 May 2020 due to his other work commitments. Following Mr. Tsui's resignation, he will also cease to act as a member of each of the audit committee and the remuneration committee and the chairman of the nomination committee of the Company. Mr. Tsui confirmed that there is no disagreement with the Board and there is no other matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company. The Board announced that, Dr. Chan Wing Mui Helen, an independent non-executive director of the Company, has been appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee, with effect from 12 May 2020. Further, Mr. Wang Cheung Yue, an independent non-executive director of the Company, has been appointed as the chairman of the Nomination Committee and a member of the Audit Committee, with effect from 12 May 2020.