Simba Energy Inc. provided shareholders an update on its current activities on Block 2A in Kenya. The company's airborne FTG survey (Full Tensor Gradiometry) commenced daily flights about 10 days ago and is expected to be completed in the next 7-10 days. The program has been expanded somewhat to cover a new and significant target area identified by preliminary FTG results received to date.

The aircraft initially covered the secondary smaller survey area (850kms) at the southwest boundary of Block 2A in order to investigate the area within the Anza basin. Results to date for the FTG survey in this area have been encouraging. In conjunction with the commencement of the FTG program on Block 2A, the Company advises it has engaged Campbell & Walker Geophysics Ltd. (Christopher 'Kit' Campbell, P. Geo.) to provide Project Management & QA/QC for the Company's FTG survey.

Kit Campbell has worked extensively with airborne gravity gradiometry in the East African Rift System as well as throughout North and South America for many years. Mr. Campbell's expertise in this field is well known and ensures that an effective program for the Company will be achieved. Considered with the known geology and modeling of the Anza basin in this area, the preliminary data from these FTG results indicate the existence of two basinal structures within the basin's margin: a new large basinal structure identified with an area of +/-100 kms in the southwestern most extents of Simba's concession; a second basinal structure of +/- 40kms lying about 15kms to the southeast appears coincident with the northern extents of the Badada prospect in Block 2B (just south of Block 2A) controlled by Taipan Resources Inc., w/Premier Oil farming in for 55%.

The FTG survey coverage will be expanded by +/- 100kms to the northeast of the new target area in order to provide full gradiometry coverage through to the known extents of the Anza basin's margins controlled by Simba.