Songa Offshore SE announced audited consolidated and company earnings results for the full year ended Dec. 31, 2015. For the year, on consolidated basis, the company reported revenues of $513,403,000, EBITDA of $281 million, LBIT of $366 million, loss before tax of $432,367,000, loss for the year of $469,730,000, net cash generated from operating activities of $144,320,000, purchase of property, plant and equipment of $1,649,277,000 compared to revenues of $494,752,000, EBITDA of $197 million, EBIT of $17 million, loss before tax of $56,566,000, loss for the year of $56,663,000, net cash generated from operating activities of $42,364,000, purchase of property, plant and equipment of $237,821,000 for the previous year. Basic and diluted loss per share was $0.54 against $0.07 a year ago.

For the year, on company basis, the company reported revenues of $116,164,000, loss before tax of $503,741,000, loss for the year of $545,814,000, net cash used in operating activities of $1,900,000, purchase of property, plant and equipment of $5,643,000 compared to revenues of $111,485,000, loss before tax of $31,290,000, loss for the year of $43,990,000, net cash generated from operating activities of $37,147,000, purchase of property, plant and equipment of $20,980,000 for the previous year.