Stratasys Ltd. announced it is launching two new software packages, GrabCAD Streamline Pro?? and a new version of GrabCAD Print Pro?? for PolyJet??.

These packages bring the power of Stratasys' GrabCAD software to additional customers to help increase their efficiency and reduce costs through improved workflows. The first version of GrabCAD print Pro for FDM and SAF has increased hardware usage amongst some customers by 30-to-50%. Customers can better organize the front and backend of moving and processing parts, giving them more opportunity to scale up their additive manufacturing capabilities.

They can also accelerate time-to-market by facilitating rapid design iterations and reducing dependency on physical prototyping; reduce costs by eliminating expensive tooling and molds needed for traditional manufacturing; and remove geometric complexities that are not feasible with conventional methods. These new software packages help customers across multiple industries, including automotive, aerospace and healthcare, take advantage of the complete Stratasys offering of solutions across hardware, software, and materials. In addition, GrabCAD Stream line Pro enables integration of Stratasys printers and GrabCAD Print with GrabCAD software partners, and a company's business systems. This thereby leads to higher efficiency, reduced cost and business process automation.

Some of the key features of GrabCAD Streamline Pro include: Advanced dashboards and analytics for AM Managers to have insights into printer and material utilization; Real-time monitoring and customizable alerts for shop operators to stay informed about printer events; Simplified tools for submitting, tracking, and consolidating 3D printing requests; Automatic estimation and build preparation to minimize operator effort and help engineers and designers get their parts faster; Cyber protection capabilities to shield Stratasys printers against network vulnerabilities, cyberattacks and potential business disruptions; Open APIs and a flexible platform to integrate with other business systems, enhancing interoperability and scalability. GrabCAD Streamline Pro maximizes productivity, increases cybersecurity and optimizes software workflows, thereby making it essential for scaling 3D printing. Building off the successful launch of GrabCAD Print Pro for FDM and SAF, Stratasys is bringing the GrabCAD Print Pro package to its PolyJet technology.

To the extensive necessary and mandated by applicable law, Stratasys will also include such information in its public disclosure filings.