Vegalab, Inc. announced the introduction of its reformulated Mildew Control product. Mildew Control is a natural geraniol based pesticide that uses this essential plant oil in a formulation which, is both curative and preventative against downy mildew, and many forms of powdery mildew, on a wide variety of crops. The new formulation doubles the dilution ratio to as high as 2,500:1, with no decrease in efficacy. The improved dilution ratio reduces the cost per application by almost half, making Vegalab's Mildew Control cost competitive with other manufacturers' mildew control products, while providing the superior efficacy and environmentally friendly attributes the Company's customers have come to expect from its products. The improved Mildew Control formulation and its benefits were made possible using nanotechnology and advanced adjuvants. The product is a liquid formulation that is applied to plants as a foliar spray. It is EPA-approved under FIFRA Section 25(b) as a minimum risk pesticide.