WISeKey International Holding Ltd. announced that it celebrates its 25th anniversary by unveiling a strategic reorganization toward Web 3.0, exemplifying a new era of a neutral, secure, and decentralized internet. This transition underscores WISeKey's enduring commitment to innovation and its pioneering role in the digital landscape since its inception in 1999. pioneering the Web 3.0 Paradigm: From its early days as a trailblazer in identity management and secure digital processes, WISeKey now spearheads the Web 3.0 revolution.

This paradigm shift embraces a decentralized ecosystem, empowering creators and users with data ownership and control, moving away from the traditional server-based infrastructure to a more interconnected and democratic digital realm. Evolution Through the Web Generations:WISeKey's journey began with Web 1.0, focusing on static page information sharing and developing applications in identity management and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). This foundation facilitated early e-voting systems, national ID projects and large-scale digital identity ecosystems deployments.

As Web 2.0 emerged, it catalyzed the era of social media and user-generated content, but often at the cost of centralized data control by large corporations that required companies like WISekey to emphasize the protection of users and the need for them to retain control of their identities. Web 3.0 disrupts this by diversifying data storage across decentralized networks, aligning with the original vision of the Web to be universally accessible, and unregulated space. WISeKey is applying these Web 3.0 technologies to generate new revenue streams leveraging its existing expertise in cybersecurity, blockchain, and identity management to explore new business models and opportunities such as: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Services: Utilizing its expertise in secure digital identities and blockchain, WISeKey is starting to offer secure DeFi services.

This includes secure wallet services, identity verification for DeFi transactions, or providing cybersecurity solutions to other DeFi platforms. Data Monetization: WISeKey has created platforms such as WISeID.COM that enable users to securely store and monetize their personal data, ensuring privacy and control over their identity and information. Tokenization:WISeKey in cooperation with Hedera's blockchain technology has started to offer tokenization services, helping businesses tokenize their assets such as the WISe.ART Token and SEALCOIN. These assets could range from art and real estate to intellectual property, providing a secure and transparent way to manage and trade.

Subscription Models and Premium Content: WISeKey is offering secure platforms for content creators to distribute premium content directly to their audience, bypassing traditional channels and ensuring data security and privacy. Smart Contracts for Automation: Utilizing expertise in blockchain and cybersecurity, WISeKey can assist companies in the development and offer smart contract solutions to automate and secure various business processes across industries. Decentralized Identity and Cloud Services: WISeKey is evolving it's WISeID platform to leverage capabilities for distributed identity and starting a new services as WISeCloud, to provide decentralized cloud storage and computing services, emphasizing their strengths in security and data protection.

Cryptocurrency Staking and Mining: While not a traditional area for WISeKey, exploring opportunities in cryptocurrency staking or offering security solutions for the mining sector could be a potential revenue stream for the Company. WISeKey is currently testing these services in Gibraltar using one of its secure datacenters. By integrating these Web 3.0 revenue models with its existing technologies and expertise, WISeKey can not only enhance its product offerings but also is able to expand into new markets and opportunities in the evolving digital landscape.

WISeKey's portfolio companies play a critical role in facilitating the transition to a Web 3.0 decentralized internet, each contributing specialized technologies and expertise. The company operated WISeID's portfolio companies operated WISeID's WISeID, and WISeID's portfolio company operated WISeID, and its pioneering role in its pioneering role in the digital environment. The company operates WISeKey's portfolio of the digital landscape.