1.Date of occurrence of the event:2015/01/09
2.Company name:Taishin Financial Holding Company
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ¡¨head office¡¨ or
  ¡¨subsidiaries¡¨):head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:NA
5.Name of the reporting media:NA
6.Content of the report:NA
7.Cause of occurrence:The announcement of Taishin Financial Holdings
and its amajor subsidiaries' consolidated financial performance
as of  December 31, 2014
Year                              Dec.2014
----------------- ---------------------------------------------
                   Dec          consolidated After-Tax
                  Pre-Tax             (NT$bn)
                  Profit   ------------------------------------
                  Per Book  Parent Co   Non-Controlling Interest
Unit              (NT$bn)
----------------- -------- ---------   --------------------------
Taishin FHC       (13.34)  (13.42)             -
Taishin Bank        1.17     1.10             0.01
Taishin Securities (0.01)   (0.01)             -
Year                           Jan-Dec.2014
----------------- --------------------------------------------------------
                  Jan-Dec.       consolidated After-Tax            EPS
                  Pre-Tax               (NT$bn)                 (After-Tax
                  Profit   ------------------------------------   Profit)
                  Per Book  Parent Co   Non-Controlling Interest
Unit              (NT$bn)                                         (NT$)
----------------- -------- ---------   -----------------------------------
Taishin FHC        13.11     1.57             8.02                0.08
Taishin Bank       14.53    13.03            (0.01)               2.54
Taishin Securities  0.07     0.05               -                 0.20
9.Any other matters that need to be specified:Taishin Financial Holding
recognized investment loss of NT$14.775bn in December because of losing
control of CHB.If excluded the effect, Net income will be NT$1.35bn
distributed by