1.Date of occurrence of the event:2015/01/23
2.Company name:Taishin FHC
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ¡¨head office¡¨ or
  ¡¨subsidiaries¡¨):Head Office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:100%
5.Name of the reporting media:N/A
6.Content of the report:N/A
7.Cause of occurrence:As the election results of Chang
Hwa Bank¡¦s shareholders meeting on December 8th, 2014
caused material damage to Taishin Financial Holding Co.,
Ltd. (the ¡§Company¡¨), the Company authorized and
appointed attorneys to file civil lawsuits and petition
for a provisional injunction maintaining a temporary
status quo against the Ministry of Finance, R.O.C. with
the Taiwan Taipei District Court for judicial remedies.
Since the Taipei District Court dismissed The Company's
petition for injunction on 15 January 2015, the Company
has authorized and appointed attorneys to file a
counterappeal against the court¡¦s ruling, in order to
protect the Company and the shareholders' interest.
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