China Electronics Huada Technology Company Limited announced that Ms. Luo Wenjing has resigned as an Executive Director of the Company with effect from 24 January 2024. Ms. Luo has resigned due to a change of work arrangement. Ms. Luo has confirmed that there is no disagreement with the Board, and there is no matter relating to her resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.

The Board announces that Mr. Wang Jian ("Mr. Wang") has been appointed as an Executive Director of the Company with effect from 24 January 2024. Mr. Wang, aged 42, graduated from of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and holds a Bachelor's degree in Optoelectronic Information. Mr. Wang is currently serving as the secretary to the board of directors, the administrative controller, the director of the board office and the director of the general department of Huada Semiconductor Co.

Ltd., a controlling shareholder of the Company, an executive director and the general manager of CEC Chitsing Technology Co. Ltd., and a director of Xiaohua Semiconductor Co. Ltd. Mr. Wang was the secretary of the general office of Nanjing Huadong Electronics Group Co.

Ltd., and the director-general of the personnel and general affairs department and the director-general of the administrative and legal affairs department of Nanjing CEC PANDA CF Technology Co. Ltd. During the past three years and as at the date of this announcement, Mr. Wang has not held any directorship in any listed public company.