Fabled Copper Corp. announced the results of 2022 surface field work on its Muskwa Copper Project. General Property Location: The Project is comprised of the Neil Property, the Toro Property and the Bronson Property all located in northern British Columbia.

Area West of Toro Vein Location: Float sample D-723809 of float, near the summit, of weathered rusty orange quartz veining with abundant malachite and 1% chalcopyrite returned 0.50% copper. Float sample D-723810 taken 8 meters vertically below of similar veining and mineralization returned 1.00% copper, whereas two meters above at an elevation of 2,200 meters a float sample of similar veining assayed 0.49% copper. One hundred vertical meters below at an elevation of 2,100 meters float sample D-723813 of quartz weathered reddish black and brassy yellow with blue specs on a fresh surface contained 3-4% chalcopyrite and 3-5% bornite assayed 10.55% copper.

Float sample D-723814 taken at the vertical altitude of 2,268 meters assayed 0.37% copper. Float sample D-723815 of quartz veining weathered orange brown with recessive weathering contained moderate malachite traces of chalcopyrite and bornite and assayed 1.05% copper. Fifteen meters above a float sample of similar material was sampled and reported 0.44% copper.

Float sample D-723817 taken at the 2,012-meter elevation consisted of the same beige quartz carbonate veining with abundant malachite and 3% chalcopyrite assayed 2.62% copper. A further 67 meters vertically below float sample D-723818 of similar veining assayed 0.25% copper. Eighteen meters vertically below float sample D-723819 of the same beige quartz carbonate veining with abundant malachite and 0.5% chalcopyrite and bornite returned 1.70 % copper.

The next float sample D-723820 taken at 1,962 meters vertically of breccia at the contact of the veining consisted of gray-black siltstone and shale fragments and contained abundant malachite copper alteration and 1-1% chalcopyrite and assayed 2.25% copper. At the 1,979-meter elevation the last float sample was collected of quartz veining with seams of carbonate and minor malachite and trace of chalcopyrite assayed 0.83% copper. As per protocol, all sample locations were taken with GPS along with GPS enabled field cameras of photos of the sampled units.

The photos, sample locations and all assay data pertaining to the assay taken, (36 elements were assayed) were tagged in a geo tag format for plotting in .kml /.kmz GIS systems such as Google Earth. Additional releases on the 2022 exploration program of the Muskwa area will be forth coming in the following weeks.