Fabled Copper Corp. announces the results of 2022 surface field work on its Muskwa Copper Project. The Project is comprised of the Neil Property, the Toro Property and the Bronson Property all located in northern British Columbia. The Eagle Creek copper occurrence is located on the Neil Property roughly 1.5 km east of the 6400 Eagle Vein adit where the 2022 underground LIDAR survey was completed. The Eagle creek flows northward into the Yedhe Creek and it is located in the same valley that contains the eastern end of the 6400 adit & Eagle Vein exposure that are located on the west cliff face of the valley. During the summer of 2022 the Eagle Creek, south part of Eagle creek, north part of Eagle Creek, West part of Eagle week and the backside of the Eagle vein were visited on sperate occasions. Float sample D-723551 taken at the 1,553-meter elevation consisted of dark brown to rusty brown quartz on a weathered surface with minor green malachite. On a fresh surface the rock is mottled gray - white and brassey yellow consisting of 60% quartz, 39% chalcopyrite and 1% bornite. This sample returned an impressive 19.85% copper. trace malachite and weathered orange brown with 1% chalcopyrite as disseminations and blebs was sampled and reported 6.08% copper. Downhill at 1,594 meters another sample of the vein material consisting of the same iron quartz veining was sampled and returned 3.27% copper and the final sample of the days traverse reported 0.35% copper. On the second day of traverses, a total of 5 additional samples were collected, 1 grab and 4 floats over a vertical altitude of 202 meters. Of the 5 samples, 4 assayed greater that 0.50% copper. Grab sample D-723596 taken at the 1,620-meter altitude contained minor sulphides and returned 0.05% copper. Float sample D-723598 taken at 1,678 meters returned 0.77% copper whereas sample D-723599 taken at the same elevation and consisting of iron quartz carbonate weathered green - black with fault movement slickensides on the surface. On a fresh broken surface, the rock was brassey yellow with moderate malachite with 70% massive chalcopyrite and 1% bornite returned an impressive 21.90% copper.
Sample D-723600 taken 200 meters below of similar iron quartz carbonate returned 0.87% copper. The final sample of the traverse 2 meters below of similar float material assayed 1.27% copper. As per protocol, all sample locations were taken with GPS along with GPS enabled field cameras of photos of the sampled units. The photos, sample locations and all assay data pertaining to the assay taken, (36 elements were assayed) were tagged in a geo tag format for plotting in .kml /.kmz GIS systems such as Google Earth.