Fabled Copper Corp. announced the results of 2022 surface field work on its Muskwa Copper Project. The Project is comprised of the Neil Property, the Toro Property and the Bronson Property all located in northern British ColumbiaThe north and south extension of the Eagle Creek copper occurrence is located on the Neil Property roughly 1-1.5 km east of the 6400 Eagle Vein adit where the 2022 underground LIDAR survey was completed.

The Eagle creek flows northward into the Yedhe Creek and it is located in the same valley that contains the eastern end of the 6400 adit & Eagle Vein exposure that are located on the west cliff face of the valley. During the summer of 2022 the Eagle Creek, east extension of the Eagle Creek copper occurrence, the western extension, north extension, southern extension and the backside of the Eagle vein were visited on sperate occasions. Float sample D-723639 taken at the 1,484-meter elevation consisted of quartz carbonate with black graphic shale with abundant malachite and 1-3% chalcopyrite.

This sample returned 1.29 % copper. Sample D-723640 taken 18 meters vertical below that of above consisted of 50% sheared siltstone and carbonate in a shear fabric with 50% carbonate and siltstone fragments contained 1% chalcopyrite and returned 0.50% copper.