JZ Capital Partners Limited confirm that the Loan Note Proposal and the Orangewood Proposal have both reached completion, following receipt of Shareholder approval and the satisfaction of all other previously outstanding conditions precedent. In addition, the Company announce that the proposal to amend its Senior Facility has also completed, following the satisfaction of all previously outstanding conditions precedent. As previously announced, it remains the Company's intention to use the proceeds of the Loan Note Proposal (upon the loan notes to be issued in connection with the same being so issued, which is expected to occur on 30 July 2021), together with available cash at hand (including the cash proceeds of realisations derived from the Orangewood Proposal and the recently completed sale of JZCP's interest in George Industries), to redeem the Company's Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock (CULS) when it becomes due on 30 July 2021 as now permitted under the Amended Senior Facility Agreement.