KOALA Financial Group Limited provided earnings guidance for the year ended 31 December 2023. The company expected that the Group will record a profit not more than HKD 10.0 million for the year ended 31 December 2023 as compared with a loss of approximately HKD 57.9 million in 2022. Based
on the relevant information currently available to the Board, the Board considers such expected turnaround from net loss to net profit was primarily attributable to, among other things, 1) the increase in the Group's interest income to approximately HKD 26.0 million (2022: HKD 13.9 million),
representing an increase of 87.1% when compared with that of 2022; and 2) a loss on disposal of the investment in Hong Kong Aerospace Technology Group Limited of approximately HKD 73.9 million which was recognized in last year.