Prophecy International announced the release of Snare Central 8.2 which emphasises an improved user experience, complete with an all new dashboard graphical user interface (GUI). The second update to Central already this year, 8.2 will be harder to miss as it takes a massive leap forward visually. Snare customers consistently tell the company that as the financial and reputational consequences of data breaches, cyber threats like malware and ransomware, and the constant risks from insider threats increase, they have urgent and ongoing requirements for maintaining regulatory compliance, auditing and managing cyber threat detection and response. Security breaches are expensive. Compliance requirements can include any number of regulatory mandates including PCI-DSS, Sarbanes Oxley, HIPAA, NERC, GDPR and more. This makes Snare Central a high value solution for companies in the Government, Defence and Military sectors, Banking, Finance and Insurance, Retail, Health, Energy, Oil & Gas markets. Failure to meet compliance mandates can often mean large fines from regulators. Snare Central is a Centralised Log Management (CLM) platform that has been developed to meet these challenges head on.