Perion Network Ltd. announced the launch of Hivestack's Green Curated Deals innovative solution for DOOH on a global scale. Powered by Scope3 emissions data, Green Curated Deals give DOOH buyers direct and transparent access to lower carbon ad inventory. Building on momentum from the recent expansion of Scope3's emissions model to include DOOH, and the launch of Hivestack Curate, the company's proprietary DOOH platform for curated deals, period reinforces its commitment to fostering a more sustainable future.

As part of this new solution, Perion's Hivestack is helping DOOH buyers maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns while minimizing negative environmental impact through Green Curated Deals. These deals are exclusively available in Hivestack Curate. Hivestack's Green Curated Deals leverage Scope3's granular and dynamic emissions model to offer inventory optimized towards decarbonizing media and advertising.

This gives media buyers a unique opportunity to engage with audiences while achieving lower emissions ad delivery. By combining Hivestack's innovative deal curation technology with Scope3's emissions data, Green Curated Deals bring added optimization to the bidstream and maximize campaign reach across screens and during hours with the lowest carbon emissions. In addition to using Scope3's emissions model for DOOH, Hivestack by period has established a scoring model applicable to Green Curated Deals.

The scoring model favors DOOH inventory that generates the least amount of carbon emissions and packages the most optimal inventory for reducing the climate impact of DOOH campaigns under a single, unified Deal ID within Hivestack Curate. This new solution for DOOH will provide advertisers an opportunity to leverage the Hivestack Curate marketplace to curate deals that actively lower the carbon impact from their DOOH advertising campaigns, while also driving performance and budget efficiency.